5 Kids' Movies WORSE than Moana 2

Is THIS For Kids? (ITFK?) Podcast
Episode 67 Part 2 | 5 Kids' Movies WORSE than Moana 2
We were pretty hard on Moana 2, but to be fair, there are a LOT of kids' movies out there that are way worse. We often talk about what is a "safe" movie. "Safe" doesn't mean good. It means there's nothing in it a parent would object to, content-wise. A movie can be "safe" and still be absolute garbage. So if you are looking for a true, good or beautiful film for your kids, steer clear of these. Can we recommend THESE instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao-HQEbDSpA&t=7s
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We are parents… and we have to navigate through the complex world of movies, shows, apps, YouTube, and much more, in order to try and determine what is good for our kids. This is why this podcast exists! Jonathan Blevins (Bearded Blevins) and Katie Ruvi (MrsRuvi) want to help parents and grandparents understand media intended for kids, as well as help determine what media is appropriate for their kids and what is not. Is This For Kids? is an entertaining and hysterical weekly journey through the world of parenting, media, and morality. Every episode covers new entertainment targeting your kids, so don’t miss a single one!
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